Getting Started

If you want to make some extra cash, knowing where to start can initially be one of the biggest problems you face as there is so much you could do.

My recommendation would be to clearly write down what you want to achieve. Write it in big bold letters and either keep it with you to remind you, or pin it to you desk or fridge. The constant reminder will help you to focus on what you need to do.
  • This could be anything:
  • Save for a big holiday
  • Pay off a large bill
  • Earn £x a month extra
  • Grow your savings

This site is split into two key areas: Making Money and Saving Money, and either of these (or a combination) will help you to achieve your goals.

Making Money

If you just want to start making money today, then I suggest start with my list of the top 25 things that you can legitimately start doing today that will start to either make money. You can start all these things this week!

Saving Money

If you just want a bit of help to save money now, then I have a top list of great ways to start saving.